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  • 更新日期:2021-10-20
中文 English
友善職場 friendly workplace
入會費 admission fees
登記證書 certificate of registration.
工會章程 charter of the union;
企業工會 corporate union/Enterprise union
職業工會 craft union/ occupational union
理事及監事 directors and supervisors
職工福利制度 employee welfare system
就業保險 employment insurance
工會的聯盟、合併、分立或解散 federalization, merger, divisions or dissolution of labor union;
工會聯合會 federation of labor unions
性別工作平等 gender equality in employment
性別統計 gender statistics
工會會員大會 general meeting of members of a labor union
會員代表大會 general meeting of members' representatives
工會的輔導及監督 guidance and supervision of labor union
行業職業就業指南 industrial and occupational employment guides
產業工會 industrial union
國際勞動事務 international labor affairs.
勞動經濟情勢 labor economic situation
勞工教育 labor education
勞工保險 labor insurance
勞動政策、行政組織改造及文宣工作 labor policies, administrative organization reformation and publicizing works
勞工退休制度 labor retirement system
勞工安全衛生法規、制度及標準 labor safety and health regulations, systems and practice codes
勞工安全衛生教育訓練及宣導 labor safety and health education, training and outreach
勞工安全衛生檢查方針 labor safety and health inspection guidelines
勞動基準 labor standards
勞動統計資訊服務 labor statistics information services
各種勞動統計調查 labor statistics surveys
勞動情勢 labor working conditions
機械安全驗證 machinery safety certification
財務收支運用及稽核機制 mechanisms for using and auditing revenues and expenditures
創業諮詢輔導與微型企業創業貸款。 micro-business start-up loan and consultation
國家職能標準 national competency standards
職業災害保險業務 occupational accident insurance services
職業安全衛生設施 occupational safety and health equipment & facilities
安全衛生自主管理系統 occupational safety and health autonomous management system
職業安全衛生管理制度 occupational safety and health management systems
理事長 president
勞工團結權的保護 protection of the right to organize / freedom of association
經常會費 regular membership fees
會員代表 representatives of members
秘書長或總幹事 secretary-general
臨時會議 special meeting
常務理事及常務監事 standing directors and standing supervisors
弱勢勞工支持 support services for disadvantaged workers
勞工保險年金制度 the pension system of labor insurance
基本工資 basic wage/minimum wage
勞動力充分運用對策 the full utilization strategy of labor force
勞工安全衛生監督檢查 the implementation of labor safety and health inspection
理事會議 the meeting of the board of directors
計畫方案執行進度及成效 the progress and effectiveness of project execution
勞工保險財務及基金管理運用之督導 the supervision of labor insurance funds management
不當勞動行為 unfair labor practice
婦女政策白皮書 White Paper on Female Labor Policy
勞工作業環境測定 working environment monitoring


  • 發布單位:綜合規劃司
  • 發布日期:2015-04-13
  • 點閱次數: