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  • 更新日期:2023-12-19


1 美國 U.S.A. ,Department of Labor(USDOL)
2 加拿大Canada, Employment and Social Development Canada
3 智利 Chile,Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
4 墨西哥 Mexico ,Secretariat of Labour and Social Provision
5 牙買加 Jamaica,Ministry of Labour and Social Security


1 日本 Japan,Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
2 韓國 S. Korea, Ministry of Employment and Labor
3 新加坡 Singapore,Ministry of Manpower
4 香港 Hong Kong Labour Department
5 泰國 Thailand, Ministry of Labour
6 印尼 Indonesia ,Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Republic of Indonesia


1 歐盟執委會 Europe Commission, Employment, Social Protection and Social Inclusion
2 德國 Germany,Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
3 英國 Unites Kingdom, Department for Work and Pensions
4 法國 France, Ministry of Employment and Solidarity
5 奧地利  Austria,Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
6 丹麥 Denmark,The Danish Ministry of Employment
7 比利時 Belgium, Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue
8 芬蘭 Finland, Ministry of Employment and the Economy
9 葡萄牙 Portugal ,Ministry of Solidarity, Employment and Social Security
10 荷蘭 Netherlands, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
11 挪威 Norway,Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
12 盧森堡 Luxemburg ,Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy
13 愛爾蘭 Ireland, Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation


1 波扎納 Botswana,Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs


1 澳洲 Australia,Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
2 澳洲 Australia,Australian Industrial Relations Commission
3 澳洲 Australia,Safe Work Australia
4 紐西蘭 New Zealand, Ministry of Business, Innovaltion and Employment
5 斐濟 Fiji Ministry of Employment, Productivity & Industrial Relations
6 汶萊 Brunei, Labour Department of Brunei
7 巴布亞新幾內亞 Papua New Guinea, Department of Works
  • 發布單位:綜合規劃司
  • 發布日期:2015-05-19
  • 點閱次數: