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歐盟執委會 Europe Commission, Employment, Social Protection and Social Inclusion |
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德國 Germany,Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs |
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英國 Unites Kingdom, Department for Work and Pensions |
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法國 France, Ministry of Employment and Solidarity |
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奧地利 Austria,Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection |
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丹麥 Denmark,The Danish Ministry of Employment |
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比利時 Belgium, Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue |
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芬蘭 Finland, Ministry of Employment and the Economy |
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葡萄牙 Portugal ,Ministry of Solidarity, Employment and Social Security |
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荷蘭 Netherlands, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment |
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挪威 Norway,Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs |
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盧森堡 Luxemburg ,Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy |
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愛爾蘭 Ireland, Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation |